Monday, September 30, 2019

Creating Computer-based Learning Essay

Computer-based learning, or e-learning, refers to online or offline learning through the means of computers. It can be offline through the means of CDs or it can be online wherein the student accesses an online web-based training module to acquire learning. Computer-based learning provides various advantages as compared to classroom learning. It provides flexibility to the learners who can access the course at their own pace and at their convenient times. It also enables the students to undertake distance learning wherein a large distance separates the instructor and the students. It is estimated that in 2006 nearly 3. 5 million students in the United States were undergoing some kind of computer-based learning. In this essay, I will discuss computer-based learning and will also provide a sample outline of a computer-based learning course. A storyboard is used to provide a screen-by-screen description of the e-learning course to the programmers, graphic designers, and animators who construct the e-learning course. It contains the On-screen Text (OST) and detailed instructions on graphics and animation. A storyboard should be detailed enough to provide all the required information to construct the course. It should have the following minimum eight elements – project information, screen label, audio/narration text, video clips if used, graphics, OST, navigation and interactivity, and notes to programmers and artists (Creating Scripts and Storyboards for E-Learning). The OST in a storyboard should only contain the relevant information that the learner needs to see. Transition text should only be provided in the audio script of the storyboard. This enables the learners to focus on the core concepts that they have to learn. An e-learning course can have a linear or a staggered navigation. Providing staggered navigation through inserting hyperlinks or cross-references allows learners to choose their learning path, but it is more complex, provides slower navigation, and has greater upload time (Storyboarding for E-Learning Courseware). Secondly, a hyperlink to an outside site will make the learners navigate out of the course, and they may not return to the course. It is not necessary to describe each step of an animation in a storyboard. Only the key aspects of the animation should be outlined and the animation should be described in a separate document. It is not advisable to use too many animations in a course as an animation may take a long time to load. The development life cycle of a computer-based learning course consists of analysis, design, development, implementation and, evaluation phases. The content, graphics, and assessment are developed during the â€Å"development† phase. A sample outline of a course on â€Å"How to Buy and Sell a House† would be as follows: I. Welcome page II. Introduction screen a. Slide 1 – Opening questions (to establish motivation for learning). i. Questions on what type of house is required and various available options. ii. Questions on problems faced in buying and selling a house. b. Slide 2 – Common mistakes while buying or selling a house. III. Learning Objectives i. Given a specified budget and location preference, the learner will be able to identify how to buy the most suitable house for his or her needs. ii. Given a specified budget, the learner will be able to identify how to negotiate successfully with a seller or a buyer on the price and obtain the optimal bargain. iii. The learner will determine how to avoid hidden costs and charges while buying a house. iv. The learner will identify how to do the paperwork, such as house registration correctly. Unit I – Finding the Best House Within Your Budget and Location Preference Unit II – Negotiating Successfully Unit III – Avoiding Hidden Costs Unit IV – Carrying Out Paperwork Correctly There will be assessments for the course – one at the end of each unit and one at the end of course. A sample question for Unit II is as follows: 1. Which of these are correct negotiation techniques while buying a house? a. Refuse to budge from your price. b. Request persuasively to provide additional benefits. c. Give examples of other lower cost options that you have. References Kruse, Kevin. Creating Scripts and Storyboards for E-Learning. Retrieved May 23, 2008 from http://www. e-learningguru. com/articles/art2_5. htm Pandey, Amit. Storyboarding for E-Learning Courseware. May 1, 2007. Retrieved May 23, 2008 http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/229486/storyboarding_for_elearning_courseware. html? page=6

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Boundaries Between Teachingrole and Other Professional Bodies

Explains the boundaries between the teaching role and other professioinal roles and own responsibilities in relation to other professionals. (2. 1 & 2. 2) Within this assignment i will explain what i believe the roles and responsibilities of a teacher and possible boundaries which i may come up against. Where possible I will link it to my own personal experiencesand knowledge. I will attempt to describe teaching roles both related and non related as much as i can, i will also make references to the 6 areas contained within the professional standards for teachers tutors and trainers in the life long learning ector and also to the teaching and learning cycle. I believe further education teaching can be split into two sections,a teachers role and the teacher related roles. From my experience teaching roles will be taken on by assessors and Tutors where as the teacher related roles will mainly be handled by administration staff, and senior management. A teachers role can be referred to a s â€Å"a role which contains limitied teaching responsibilities and a role which represents the full range of responsibilities performed by those who are expected to attain the status of a qualified teacher† In my opinion the esponsibility of a teacher/tutor isto nurture any person from someone who knows nothing about the trade and turning them into someone who has both the practicaland theoretical skills to be a bricklayer with a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 3 atthe end of their apprenticeship. But the responsibility of staff who occupy the teacher related role will be taking care of things like filing,ensuring paperwork is upto date and correct thus complying with the data protection act 1998,and making sure there are no complications with regards toplacements/funding for learners.Entry Requirements a teacher/trainer will be required to work a range of information sources Therefore,during the selection process you may be required to undertake an initial as sessment in Numeracy and an initial assessment in Literacy. To be accepted onto an Apprenticeship programme at level 2 you will have to achieve Numeracy Level 1, and Literacy Level 1 to start with. You will also be required to attend an interview, during which your suitability,commitment and interest will be determined. You should bring with you to theinterview any evidence you have of previous academic achievement.You may also wish to present other documentation that supports your application This can include evidence of other activities that you have participated in, sports, hobbies, work experience etc. To me different levels your learners may be at and you can hopefully you can then get a better idea as to what stage you should start your teachings from, These assessments should be continuous throughout the apprenticeship so you can check that learners are progressing in the areas thatthey should be. If not the correct measures can then be put into place to help them catch up wi th others I understand that every eacher/tutor has contractual obligations to abide by in regards to what ever the programme they are teaching, these will be a guideline from your employer but also you have a rather strict code to work to from awarding body such as Constructive Awards Alliance (CAA) or City and Guilds (C&G). Every tutor/teacher will have the same contractual obligations to abide with these but they may vary with your employer as everyone likes to put there own mark on apprenticeshipsThe teacher related roles are to include things like checking all documentation and information on students is orrect and upto date,ensuring students are registered with the correct learning bodies so there are no complications when starting/ completing apprenticeships. Providing statistics/schedules of a learners attendance, achievements,and time keeping. in my opinion many of the teacher/tutor related roles can be under took by either the teacher/tutor or admin staff as there is not a set rule book as to who can do what. Further to this there is the contractual obligation of completing regular assessments and reviews with both learner and employer as it is imperitive the employer knows what stage alearner is at.I shall now try toexplain the roles and responsibilities by reading and extracting information from page 73 /74 of the work booklet. I believe the key purpose of being a teacheris to be able to create a safe, fun yet hard working environment to give all students the oppertunity to excel in there individual learning programme 1)â€Å" Professional values and practice† this explains the values which teachers in the lifelong learning sector should meet or exceed in to achieve their responsibility to me the following value shows how a teacher has the responsibility to ensure all earners are learning as a whole thus ensuring all are learning at the same pace knowing all they need to know to succeed. 2)â€Å"learning and teaching† to me there are s o many different responsibilities with regards to learning and teaching forexample progression, development, goals and aspirations of all which will endeavour to enhance the experiences they bring to learning. 3) â€Å"specialist learning and teaching† when completing an Apprenticeship a strict framework is to be adhered to, we as teachers must ensure all aspects of the framework are to be covered and to chieve this I believe I must ensure I am upto date with the current teachings in my trade in order to be current and thus making up part of my continous planned development 4) â€Å"planning for learning† which to me is an imperitive part of teaching which in my profession is very important as one wrong learning or misunderstanding can lead to serious harm or even death but I understand that these teachings may require special attention to detail and covering equality and diversity effectively 5) â€Å"assessment for learning† I believe you must be willing to ca rry out consecutive assessments so as o see where learners are and where they should/ could be in future months thus ensuring everyone within the organisation can see the progress of students 6) â€Å" access and progression† this to me says we must have sufficient information and advice/ guidance to support a learners needs and also make learners aware of various in house services which may be available to them summarising: I believe there are many factors which lead to being a successful teacher, you need to be a very broad minded and self sufficient person, who needs to be patient and understanding to hatever task/obstacle is put in front of them you need to be aware of constantly changing rules, regulations and criteria surrounding your specialist subject. You need to be honest, have a positive mental attitude and have very high expectations of your learners,but also need to be aware that there are going to be students who need the extra help and support from you to compl ete the course. I need to be able to provide easy yet still challenging lesson plans. As a good teacher I need to make myself very approachable to all who require my attention, this will include learners, ther tutors,office staff and management but also internal and external verifiers. I was always treated with the utmost respect whilst completing my apprenticeship and my tutors were always honest with me, sometimes honest but that gave me reason to believe in what I was doing and made me want to further my skills even more so to impress my tutor but also gain my qualification at the end of my apprenticeship. I understand there may be certain aspects of the courses I’m going to teach which I am going to have to re-teach myself so students will grasp things first time and i’ll have to elive my days as a student to gain all the pros and cons from the way I was taught therefore gaining an understanding of how to make my lessons as effective as they can be. I believe the r ole of teaching requires my personality and character to be the vehicle of knowledge. I know things will be hard and at sometimes baffling but that is what life is all about, knowing what you want and having the will to reach your goal. I believe there are many factors with regards to striving towards being a successful Teacher in my profession but I believe I have everything it takes to succeed.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

See attached Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See attached - Research Paper Example 1- Management integrity: Management integrity, or the ethical nature of personnel of authority, designs the overall tone for the company. Management integrity is communicated with all the employees through the handbooks and procedural manuals of employees. 2- Competent personnel: A company’s capability to recruit and retain proficient employees shows management’s intention to appropriately recording of accounting transactions. Additionally, the retention of workers raises the comparability of financial records from time to time. 3- Segregation of duties: The University of California at Los Angeles observes that a segregation of duties is significant to effectual internal control because it minimizes the risk of errors and wrong proceedings. A successful structure of internal control segregates authoritative, accounting and custodial functions. 4- Record maintenance: Keeping proper records gives the surety that appropriate documentation exists for all the business transa ctions. The management of records include: storing, protection and ultimately destructing tangible or electronic records. The Environmental Protection Agency highlights that an accurate records organization program minimizes operating costs of the operations, improves effectiveness and reduces the risk of process (James, 2013). SEC: The basic objective of SEC is to make sure that the security market is operating in a fair and orderly way. The professionals of security industry are forming contracts fairly with their clients, and that organizations provide general public all the necessary information about the company position through which investors could be able to make well informed investment decisions (Investor, n.d.). The SEC follows these goals by: mandating that organization reveals material business and financial information; supervising the process of the SROs; following rules with which those concerned in the buying and selling of securities should obey; and filing proceed ings or taking other enforcement activities in cases where the law has been desecrated. In spite of the lot of protections given by federal and state securities laws and SRO policy, it is essential for investors to keep in mind that they have the final accountability for their own security (SEC, n.d.). FASB: The Financial Accounting Standards Board is accountable for creating, revising, clarifying, and issuing mutually the broad principles and the specific activities that comprises acceptable financial accounting of private-sector (Tran, 2012). The FASB works through a course of the research projects, discussion memoranda, public hearings, comment letters, and proposal drafts. The FASB's eventual findings on program items are published as Statements of Financial Accounting Standards, which companies are necessary to adhere to (Dietrich, 2013). The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is a one branch of the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF), and self-governing, nonprofit b usiness The Financial Accounting Standards Board bears accountability for making generally acceptable accounting principles (GAAP) for the private or confidential sector (FASB, n.d.). Part 3-answer: Company in that was praised for its ethical practices: Nestle company has got a huge number of employees around the globe and it is maintaining a highly ethical behavior in its all the companies around the world. Nestle provides great satisfaction to employees and their satisfaction reflects in the

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Assignment - Essay Example Uses of Standard Tender Document 8 f. Pre Disclosure of Relevant Information 8 g. Public Bid Opening 9 h. Evaluation of Tender in Monitory Terms 10 i. Qualification of Bidders on the Basis of Pass/ Fail Requirement 10 j. Award to the Lowest Evaluated Bidder Meeting the Stated Criteria 11 k. Accessible to Applicable Laws and Regulation 12 l. Appeal Mechanism 13 m. Standstill Period 13 n. Debriefing 14 o. Publication of Award 14 Bibliography 15 1. Introduction Public Procurement refers to the process of purchasing of goods and services on behalf of the public authority, through government agencies. Public procurement involves government expenditure that is aimed at securing inputs and resources in order to achieve objectives, hence establish a significant impact on the crucial key holders and the society. Besides, government purchasing occurs through both domestic and international trade. In fact, about ten to fifteen percent of the GDP involves government expenditure on procurement; t herefore, public procurement makes a significant contribution to the global economy1. Transparency has been considered an essential standard that facilitates improvement of public procurement; in fact, it involves a procurement process that is open for public scrutiny. Furthermore, this facilities competition, thereby increasing the efficiency of the process and the threat posed by issues such as corruption are alleviated. Transparency enables people to monitor public bodies, thereby holding these organizations accountable for their undertakings. The main objective of transparent public procurement is to facilitate fairness, competition and economic value in the process; this objective is achieved through effective and efficient procurement process that is developed by the principals monitoring the process. Apparently, sufficient controls are incorporated in order to promote competition, thereby reducing the risk associated with corruption, fraud, mismanagement and wastage of public resources. In this case, transparency is considered to be an effective tools aimed at hampering corruption and ensuring that there is value for money2. In addition, transparency is employed in different ways along with different practices such as advances publication of procurement plans, procurement policies are published, tender notices are advertised, the criteria for evaluation is disclosed, there are payment of prices and contract awards are published. a. Transparency Needed to Foster Competition International liberalization is applied in fostering competition among public procurement markets. Besides, competition can also be facilitated through participation in WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA)3. In this case, competition can be fostered in four different ways, which include provision of vehicles by GPA in order to facilitate progressive opening of parties to markets in order for the to engage in international competition. On the other hand, there are other provis ions that involve agreement focusing on offering information based on framework aimed that ensuring that the process is transparent4. Fostering competition involves signing agreements with GPA parties in order to facilitate establishment of domestic reviews and operations, where participants are allowed to challenge decisions that are deemed questionable. Therefore, decision made by national procurement authorities should be subjected to review by the competitors in order to avoid unfairness or discrimination. In addition, competition can

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Anthropology Days and Berlin Olympic Games Essay

The Anthropology Days and Berlin Olympic Games - Essay Example he comparison of the two events that took place show how each competition was aimed towards showing the advancement of the white race in comparison to all other races. The goal of each was to show that whites were the advanced race of people and would be excel far greater than any other. Early in the twentieth century following the United State’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory a special type of Olympic games were held. The events held at the St. Louis State Fair in 1904 were known as the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and the competitors were over three thousand indigenous people from all over the world that came in order to compete, entertain, and be research subjects for the American Anthropologist Association. WJ McGee, the head of the LPE Anthropology Department primarily wanted his exposition to be key in understanding Native peoples in the modern age and how race correlated with athletic ability.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Service flower Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service flower - Essay Example It is because of the latter that the report presents an array by which managers can also evaluate models of their companies with respect to their specific setting. Applebee’s is a distinguished brand dealing with casual foods that boost of amassing a great amount of popularity over the years. Its first restaurant joint opened in 1980 and gradually the company has been able to acquire over 2000 joints all over the United States of America. Given the fact that its main dishes relate to the American diet of chicken, salads, pasta and riblets; Applebee’s has managed to receive a warm reception from the citizens. From its headquarters in Kansas, Missouri, Applebee’s has seen a continual growth in human resource whose economic well-being depends on the company (Quenqua). Thus, a strong team of managers exists to oversee activities such as order taking, payment and billing, influenced by the day-to-day operations. Positive business strategies and models are also essential in the running of such a franchise, given the nature of the specific business. The service flower concept is an idealistic approach used to analyze the services offered by a company to its customers. The core services of the business have preference over the peripheral ones, but attention is on how the entire process affects the product; this explains why aspects such as branding and marketing are important. However, important to the company is the distinction of the core products from the supplementary services, since the latter only help facilitate acquiring a competitive advantage over rivals. Usually it may be by way of increasing the appeal from customers or enhancing the value of the final product in the end. Often ignored is the delivery process of a product to the customer for consumption. Since this is the point where there is direct contact with a potential customer, a set of exceptional skills are crucial to closing a deal (Millford 11). Among the issues that the report seeks to

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Nursing Shortage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Nursing Shortage - Essay Example he trend of nursing shortage in the United States of America, forecasts suggests that the situation is only going to worsen unless steps to arrest the decline in the attractiveness of the nursing profession and reduced the stress on nursing professionals are taken on an urgent basis (Buerhas, Donelan, Ulrich, Norman & Dittus, 2005). The nursing shortage in the United States of America is a matter of serious concern, for according to Shirey, 2006, the United States of America is in the midst of one of the most crippling nursing shortages in its history, with the projections of this shortfall in nursing to rise to twenty percent of the demand for nursing professionals by 2020, which in sheer numbers means that there will be a shortfall of as many as 800,000 registered nurses, which is a staggering figure. These figures on the shortage of nurses experienced in every area of nursing care requirement is bound to rise given that nearly sixty percent of the current nursing professionals may retire by 2009. The possibility of the shortfall in nursing professionals being made good through new registered nurses (RN) coming through the education programs for nursing in Iowa is dismal given that the admissions to the nursing programs in Iowa have been dropping rapidly for more than a decade. This is the grim reality of the nursing shortage in Iowa (Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet). The shortage of nurses in Iowa has implications on health care in Iowa. For the healthcare sector it means that the quality of health care provided to healthcare seekers in Iowa is likely to be deficient, affecting the standards of health care in Iowa. To the medical professionals the shortage of nursing implies that some of the functions in providing treatment and management of diseases normally handed over to nursing professionals will shift to them increasing their workload. To the citizens of Iowa the shortage of nurses means that there will be nursing care will not measure up to their

Monday, September 23, 2019

SCADA Worm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SCADA Worm - Essay Example n facilities ranging from power plants to petroleum refineries, SCADA Worms can rapidly affect large scale industrial computer networks and IT operations. Moreover, SCADA Worms are highly sophisticated and capable of braking through different firewalls. These computer viruses infect Windows based operating systems and server environments, which are one of the most commonly used IT infrastructure equipment in USA. Next, SCADA Worms generally attack the Siemens based IT applications, which are again highly common in most of the US industrial automation and information environments. (Cherry and Langner, 2010; Kline and Krachenfels, 2010) According to most IT experts (e.g. Kim and Solomon, 2010) information security involves seven major domains. These are user domain, workstation domain, LAN domain, LAN-to-WAN domain, remote access domain, WAN domain, and system/application domain. General arrangement of these domains is shown in Figure – 1: Presently, industrial control systems are physically guarded at the workstation domain. User authentication systems and password policies are implemented at user domain. Anti-virus and Firewall software are used at the interface between the workstation domain (e.g. client side computers) and the remote access, LAN, or LAN-to-WAN domains (e.g. server side routers). But reports from Iran, India, and Indonesia show that these arrangements are essential but not enough to stop SCADA Worm (Kline and Krachenfels, 2010). Scientists like Coppolino et al (2012) suggest that Markov model based intrusion detection systems deployed at the system/application domain can be a useful deterrent against the SCADA Worm. The detection system at the industrial control engine must be both undetectable and modifiable. On the other hand, security providers like GarretCom put forward the idea of assimilating security tools from â€Å"a lot of disciplines working together to create industrial environments in a world that is increasingly connected† (Kline

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay Essay Example for Free

Biblical Worldview Essay Essay The Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman church to prepare them for his visit to Rome prior to leaving for Spain. He explained to the church how Christians, Jews and Gentiles alike, should view the natural world, our identity, our relationships, and our culture due to our relationship with Christ. He explains the necessity for righteousness because without Christ we are dead in our sin. But God, through his goodness and grace has provided a way to righteousness through Jesus Christ. The Natural World According to Genesis, God created the heavens and earth (our natural world) and everything in them. In Romans 1:20 Paul states, â€Å"For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.† God created the world, his power and authority is evident in this creation and in this way man was supposed to know Him. However they turned their backs on him and according to verse 22 â€Å"exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.† Because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden, sin came into our natural world which started the demise of spiritual man as well as God’s intended order. Human Identity â€Å"God created man in his own image,† (Gen 1:27). Our identity is firmly established by knowing God, more specifically, knowing God through Jesus Christ. We are created with a â€Å"God shaped void† in our spirit man. If we do not fill that void with a relationship with God, we will seek to fill it with anything else that gives us temporary pleasure. Paul says in Romans chapter 1, that men turned away from God and turned to idol worship. Three times in this chapter Paul states that God â€Å"gave them over† to their sinful desires (v.24), their shameful lusts (v. 26), and their depraved minds. (v28). In and of ourselves, we are destined to die, not only physically but spiritually. God however, has made a way. Paul eloquently shares the path to salvation, righteousness, and sanctification through Jesus Christ.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay Example for Free

Biographical and Psychological Strategies Essay Often, people would resolve into using the biographical strategy when they come into a dead end in trying to interpret a work. This is what I like about this particular strategy because it can provide answers to unanswered questions that are not possible to be derived from the work alone. Sometimes, a look at the life of the author helps in understanding a piece of literature. Some say that is a lazy man’s approach into interpreting a text but that does not mean that it is not an effective way. I believe that in all works, there is always a piece of the author in their writings, making this strategy a valid one. We simply cannot deny the fact that the works of an author are almost always influenced by his experiences. I also like how this approach becomes investigative in nature because of the â€Å"digging† of information for the authors’ lives. What I Don’t Like About Psychological Strategies Unlike biographical strategies, psychological strategies do not quite get me that excited. This strategy urges critics to look for â€Å"symbolic† meanings in every work which just complicate things. Though I understand the importance of symbols in literature, this strategy can sometimes be used too much and give symbolism into things and events that are not even meant by the author to have symbols. Though this might contradict my likeness for biographical strategies, I believe that events should (at least most of the time) stand on their own. Another thing that I do not like about psychological strategies is the Oedipus complex theory; it is just far too taboo for me to think of such things. Speaking of theory, this is what mostly this strategy is based on—theory, which means, it is not as reliable as a biographical approach because the latter is based on the lives of the authors, not on speculated ideas.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Summary Of The Power And The Glory English Literature Essay

Summary Of The Power And The Glory English Literature Essay à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I am a bad priest and a bad man' (Greene 126). In Graham Greenes The Power and the Glory, the main character, an unnamed priest, admits that he is a bad priest. The reader first encounters the priest when the priest is waiting for a boat to Vera Cruz because he is on the run from the police. The novel takes place during a time when the state is trying to eliminate Catholicism. At first, the priest seems like a devoted Catholic who is just trying to spread his faith and help others. However, the priest does not set the greatest example for fellow Catholics; in fact, Greene sometimes even refers to him as a whiskey priest. He spends a lot of time in a state of self-pity. He examines his decisions and actions and realizes that he is in a state of mortal sin; however, he does nothing to change his situation. Not only does he have an alcohol addiction, but he also commits adultery. By the end of the novel the priest grows in his own relationship with God; however, he does n ot set a good example for other Catholics. A priest should strive to give guidance and assistance to others, especially during a time when authorities are trying to eradicate religion. Although the priest seems to grow strongly in his faith by the end of the novel, he exemplifies a bad priest. Throughout the novel, the priest admits to himself and others that he has committed grave sins; however, he does not attempt to correct his mistakes. Early on, Graham Greene reveals that the priest commits adultery about six years prior to the novels setting. This grave sin results in Brigitta, the priests illegitimate daughter. When referring to his act of adultery he admits that fear and despair and half a bottle of brandy and the sense of loneliness had driven him to an act which horrified him (Greene 66). Although he knows he has done wrong, the priest cannot stop thinking about his illegitimate daughter all through the novel. When his execution is imminent, he finds that he cannot repent for this sin. In addition, his love for his daughter leaves him incapable of praying for anyone else, but in the moment of prayer he switched back to his childà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and he knew it was for her only that he prayed (Greene 208). His sin distracts him from his priestly duties, and he is una ble to ask forgiveness. The priest also has a very noticeable drinking problem; in fact, other characters sometimes refer to him as the whiskey priest. He frequently carries a bottle of brandy while he is on the run from the authorities. When he must miss a boat to Vera Cruz to help a boy and his mother, he says, Give me the brandy,' and then he [takes] a long pull at it (Greene 17). The priest drinks a substantial amount of brandy before tending to a dying woman. It seems that he needs alcohol to help him continue his priestly duties; a priest should not need alcohol to help him follow his duties. He continues to drink excessively, even on the day before the authorities execute him; without thinking what he [is] doing, he [takes] another drink of brandy (Greene 207). The priest realizes that he has a drinking problem; however, he does not attempt to fix it, and he continues drinking until the morning of his execution. A whiskey priest that cannot repent for committing adultery is n ot a good priest. When the priest performs a good deed, he usually does so with reluctance; he acts as though someone is forcing him to carry out a good deed. When a boy asks the priest to help his dying mother, he does not want to go, but [he] [gets] up as though unwillingly he [has] been summoned to an occasion he [cannot] pass by (Greene 16). Reluctantly, as if he has no choice, the priest agrees to accompany the boy back to his house. As he leaves he says, It always seems to happen. Like this; this implies that he always seems to get pulled back to his priestly duties unwillingly (Greene 16). The word always indicates that the priest has responded to a similar situation in the same manner. It is good that the priest ultimately decides to help the boy; however, it does not seem very priest-like to be so reluctant when a situation like this occurs. The whiskey priest sometimes finds himself thinking that he has made the wrong decision in becoming a fugitive. At times, he thinks that it may have been more beneficial to follow Padre Joses example and surrender to the states demands. Near the end of the book, when the lieutenant captures him, the priest begins to think about the pain that is in store for him, and wonders if it is too late for him to renounce his priesthood like Padre Jose. He mulls over the fact that the authorities have not given him a chance to renounce his faith; perhaps if he suggested it himself, he would escape yet (Greene 209). The priest regrets refusing the states conditions regarding his faith. It is good that the priest evades arrest and attempts to help people; however, he does so reluctantly, which gives the impression that he takes no joy in helping others if it is inconvenient for him. Regardless of the spiritual realizations that the unnamed priest has, his actions and decisions indicate that he is a bad priest. He sets a bad example for anyone that looks to him for guidance; he even admits this multiple times throughout the novel. He is far from being an exemplary priest, which is someone that that observes his vows and follows the commandments. It is impossible, of course, to be perfect; however, the priest makes a weak attempt at being a good priest. He has a constant sense of self-pity and uselessness. He even refers to himself as a bad priest and a bad man. After recognizing his sins of drinking and adultery, he should be able to submit completely to God and repent. His illegitimate child prevents him from asking forgiveness for committing adultery, and he does not even attempt to stop drinking. Although he tries to perform his priestly functions whenever possible, his constant sin sets a bad example for people who might look to martyrs for inspiration. The w oman who the priest has an affair with says, Suppose you die. Youll be a martyr, wont you? What kind of a martyr do you think youll make? Its enough to make people mock (Greene 79). The unnamed man sets a bad example for others and is a bad priest.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

The effects of observational learning on children Does allowing children to watch violent television and what they see on a daily basis in their lives from peers and adults effect their actions, and thoughts? The answer is simply yes! When it comes down to the facts, children’s behaviors are greatly influenced from what they see going on around them. Children can be taught to be violent or they can be taught to be kind, they can be taught to be confident, or they can be stripped of their self-confidence, they can be taught to be great or they can be taught to fail in life all from observing how adults and peers in their life act. Children start out in life observing everything that everyone and everything around them are doing. They learn to walk, talk, and feed themselves from observing what their parents, siblings, and other people around them do. They learn these things from observing and then imitating them. â€Å"It has been found that infants as early 6 weeks old imitate facial expressions and infants 6 and 9 months of age have shown to exhibit deferred imitation of actions demonstrated with objects† (Jones, Hebert. 197). â€Å"Recently researchers at the University of Washington and Temple University have found the first evidence revealing a key aspect of the brain processing that occurs in babies to allow this learning by observation† (â€Å"Baby Brains Learn Through Imitation†). In their study they found that when a baby observed an adult touch a toy with their hand the same part of the brain that controls the same hand on the child would light up. The same was true if they obs erved an adult touch the toy with their foot, the foot part of the child’s brain would light up. These results showed that when babies observed someone els... ...Jones and Hebert found that infants as early as 6 weeks old imitate facial expressions and infants 6 to 9 months of age have shown to exhibit deferred imitation of actions demonstrated with objects. Greer, Dudek-Singer and Gautreaux found that even weeks after their study was completed that the children’s behavior was still able to be reinforced with the plastic discs that were used in their experiment. The exposure to chronic alcoholism by parents effect children well into adulthood and in almost every area of their lives from health to relationships and Huesmann, L. R., Moise-Titus, J., Podolski, C., & Eron, L. D. found that exposure to early childhood violence on television effects children well into adulthood. These studies are proof that what children observe growing up does effect what they learn and can have horrible effects on who they are when they grow up.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

pride and prejudice :: essays research papers

A Fight For A dance† It’s the nineteen century, and I am a poor old colored man that doesn’t even have the mind to write this letter because I don’t know how to write well by the lack of my education, and I don’t even want to remember, let me explained this to you in this way so you get it quickly, 90 years ago I was reading this two poems named â€Å"Slavery, a poem† and â€Å"To the Ladies† that I found on one of the books of Ms. Lady Spears (R.I.P), the ex-Madam of the house in which I worked, before her abruptly death caused by her husband. Here they explained that colored people and women in this two poems are compared equally too each other and placed as a race in which men have to control over them and treat them how he wants too. Women during the eighteenth century no matter if she was independent and wealthy, if she wanted to divorce from her husband it was not permitted. Meanwhile slaves no matter how intelligent or respectful and friendly they were, ne ver would be able to be free from their owners. Telling this too you hearts me so much because I am realizing that I was a total coward in permitting Mr. Timberlake treat Ms. Spears how he did it. Ms. Spears was a lovely young talented girl, who always had the desire to dance because it was her inner passion that kept her alive, she always invited me, meanwhile her husband was not in the house, to go and watch her move. We kept doing it during 3 entirely months until one dreadful night Mr. Timberlake catch us. He hitted her so hardly that she was claiming for mercy. I was so shocked by the terrible scene that I didn’t knew what to do. Then with all my strength I stood and Hit him so hard until he became unconscious. Ms. Spears began to say this lines from the poem that filled her with pride and glory to fight for her right and that it was going to be the phrase that was going to inspire many other young girls and slaves too: â€Å"Value yourself, and man despise: You must be proud, if you’ll be wise.† And began to hit him so hard that I thought she was going to kill him. Suddenly the policeman entered the room and stopped her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Cola Wars †the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry Porter Five Analysis Essay

The existing players in the soft drink industry have much advantage relative to new entrants. First, supply-side economy discourages new entrants by forcing them to enter the market in large scale. CSD’s demand side benefits of scale also makes it difficult for new entrants to be accepted by the public. In 2002, a survey found that 37% of respondents chose a CSD because it is their favorite brand, while only 10% said so about bottled water. This demonstrates CSD customers’ high brand loyalty and their lack of desire to buy from new entrants. In terms of capital requirement, concentrate manufacturers only requires $25~$50 million to set up a plant that can serve the entire United States of America. Yet, new entrants may have difficulties competing with major players’ well-established brands and their large scale unrecoverable (therefore, hard to finance) spending on advertising. There is also unequal access to bottlers and retail channels for newcomers. Most bottlers are in long-term contracts with major CSD brands; also, the largest distribution channel, supermarkets, consider CSD a â€Å"big traffic draw†, thus provide little to no shelf space for newcomers. In addition, strong fear of retaliation from major players also makes newcomers hesitate to enter. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Required inputs for CSD are mostly raw materials such as caramel coloring, phosphoric or citric acid, natural flavors, caffeine, and fructose. Almost all suppliers of the CSD industry provide undifferentiated commodities and thus have little bargaining power and almost no strength to integrate forward. Bargaining Power of Buyers End consumers and retail channels can both be considered as buyers in the CSD industry. End consumers are likely to have brand loyalty to their CSD as analyzed in threat of new entry. Thus, consumers are expected to continue purchasing a brand unless there is a significant price increase or substantial change in flavor. Consequently, end consumers have little bargaining power. Retail channels, on the other hand, have more bargaining leverage since they buy CSDs in much larger quantities than end consumers. Yet, for retail channels such as supermarkets (making up almost one third of all retail volume), CSDs are considered a â€Å"big traffic draw†, thus reducing its bargaining power. In addition, fountain outlets (making up another 23. 4% of retail channel) also have insignificant bargaining power since they rely on CSD companies’ heavy investment in dispensers, cups, point-of-sale advertising, and many other types of equipment. Threat of Substitutes CSDs are unique in terms of taste and properties. When a consumer craves CSD, it is difficult to find a replacement that can equally satisfy his or her desire. Even after CSD was identified as the â€Å"largest source of obesity-causing sugars in the American diet† in 2005, CSDs still â€Å"accounted for 73. 1% of U. S. non-alcoholic refreshment beverage volume (down from 80. 8% in 2000)† at around the same time. It is true that consumers are moving towards alternatives that have more natural flavors such as several tea-based drinks and bottled water; yet, CSD firms have quickly adapted to this shift and largely dominated the market of these alternatives. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors Even though rivalry among existing competitors – Coke, Pepsi, and Cadbury Schweppes seem intense, the profitability has not been weakened. This is largely because of the high concentration of competition and their focus on promotion, advertising, and other forms of branding instead of waging large-scale price wars. In a way, the success of Coke and Pepsi required the heavy competition on these dimensions. â€Å"Without Coke, Pepsi would have a tough time being an original and lively competitor. The more successful they (Coke) are, the sharper we (Pepsi) have to be. † says Roger Enrico, former CEO of Pepsi. The CSD industry profitability lies within the Cola War itself that forces major players to improve continuously. Through Porter’s five forces analysis, it becomes clear that CSD is so profitable because of the way its industry competition is shaped: high entry barriers due to newcomers’ unfavorable supply-side economies of scale, demand-side benefits of scale, and unrecoverable advertising spending; low bargaining power of suppliers and buyers since CSD requires mainly homogeneous commodities, buyers have high brand loyalty, and retailers rely heavily on CSD firms’ investments; well handled threat of substitutes; and healthy internal rivalry that is vital to continuous improvement.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Fundraising Letter: organising the Lent Appeal

Dear Parents/Carers, I am delighted to inform you that we are organising the Lent Appeal once again this year. Blue Coat was founded many years ago as a charity school which provided education and guidance to the poor people in and around Walsall. A prevalent part of the Christian faith is to treat others as you wish to be treated and at Blue Coat we strive to achieve this from all pupils. As a Church of England Academy we celebrate special events in the Christian calendar, including Lent. We believe that being benevolent forms a part of our Christian philosophy, and even though there are many different faiths at Blue Coat, charitable giving is a fundamental part of all faiths. The Lent Appeal project aims to raise as much money as possible for our chosen charity and support those in need. We have been raising thousands of pounds for many different charities over the past few years with the support of students, teachers and parents. Last year we accumulated over  £3,000 for the charity Islamic Relief, and this year we are hoping to raise even more but in order to achieve this we will need your continued support. The event will take place during the Easter period as a commemoration of the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert making sacrifices. We remember this time by encouraging pupils to give up their time and money just as Jesus gave up his life for others. Each year the pupils are given a voice. During a vote they select which charity they most want to raise money for. This year the majority of the pupils nominated Water Aid. They use practical solutions to supply clean water, effective sanitation and education to the world’s underprivileged people. In addition they try to influence education policy at national and international levels. They are presently operating in twenty seven countries mainly situated in the Africa, Asia, Pacific region and Central America continent. This specific charity also provides safe aquatic and public health services close to people's homes. Furthermore, their projects allow communities to attain a more robust quality of life and escape the spiral of poorness and specialise in fairness. During the Lent period we ask both parents and students to support our fundraising events and take part in extra-curricular activities that are led by teachers. We like to allow students to take ownership over raising money, with the support of their form tutors to help build self-confidence, team work skills and understanding the importance of helping others. There are many ways in which you can offer support; firstly encourage your child to take part in all events, attend after school events such as; fashion shows and X Factor. There will also be friendly competitions between the different colleges to help raise money for Water Aid and we would like your child to take part in at least one. You can obtain further information regarding the project by either visiting the school website or collecting a leaflet from the school reception. Once the Lent Appeal is over, the money will be collected together by a member of staff and the total calculated. The grand total will be announced in a special church assembly with a cheque awarded to a representative of the charity. To encourage pupils to support the Lent Appeal there will also be certificates awarded to individuals, forms and colleges who have raised the most amount of money and shown a high level of commitment. I hope I have covered all of the information you need however if you would like any further details please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your continued support.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Brown v. Board of Education

In the broad scope of the hundreds of thousands of cases decided by the United States Supreme Court in decades past, few measure up to the historical significance of Brown v. Board of Education. The decision of the judges in this particular dispute challenged the mainstream views of the people of our country, changing the times, and shaping the future of America. Not only did the Court’s ruling protect the rights of millions of African American students in our country, moreover Brown v.Board of Education launched the civil rights movement that produced the America we know today. Had the judges ruled other than the way they did, one can only imagine how the history of our country would have played out, or how different our nation would be as a result. In the years leading up to the 1950’s, as a whole, the people of our country were severely discriminative towards the African American race. People of different colors were forced to shop in separate stores, eat in separate restaurants, live on opposite sides of town, and even drink from different water fountains.The same held true for the public school system, which unfairly segregated students according to their color based on the laws that Brown v Board of Education changed. Tragically, the schools reserved for white children were in far better condition than the schools for those of the minority, usually lacking decent books and properly trained teachers, and often teaching an inadequate curriculum (The Brown Foundation).It is no surprise then that the affliction of these minority students did not settle well with the race as a whole, and in 1951, after long suffering, four complaints were filed in four separate states against their respective school boards (Brown v. Board 486). As summarized by The Brown Foundation, the first action arose out of Delaware, where the segregated schools were considerably unequal. There, black students were bused from their homes to schools hours away, rather than at tending the schools for white children where they lived.After being denied access to the white schools near their homes, suit was filed. The second case came from Topeka, Kansas, where the number of white schools greatly outnumbered the amount of black schools. As a result, parents in Topeka tried to enroll their black children in white schools, only to be denied. The third case was filed in South Carolina, where the schools were also substantially unequal. When the parents of black children filed suit against their school board, the Court ordered that the schools be equalized. The schools however, refused to comply. The final case arose out of Virginia.There the schools were far too small to accommodate the number of students that attended them, and once again were grossly inadequate, lacking even indoor plumbing. After suit was filed locally, the school board was ordered to make the segregated schools equal, however black children still were not admitted in to white schools (The B rown Foundation). The facts regarding each case were different, but the issue at hand was the same, young African American children had been denied access to the schools reserved for their white counterparts per the laws that were written to protect them from such injustices.The very government that was intended to protect their rights and freedoms denied the relief of the children, holding to the â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson. That doctrine stated that the separation of black and white students was within the law, so long as the segregated schools were equal. After defeat in federal district courts, on appeal, the four cases were consolidated into what is known as Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, to be heard in The Supreme Court in 1952 (Brown v. Board 487,488).The Supreme Court Justices looked in depth at the fourteenth amendment, more specifically the right of the equal protection of the laws that the fourteenth amendment guaranteed to all Americans, of which the minority children claimed that they were deprived of. The justices pondered the question, â€Å"Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? † (Brown v.Board 493). The Justices addressed the equality of the education in public schools overall, throwing out the idea that if books, desks, and classrooms were similar, then children received an equal education. Considering the fact that separated black children are educated in a way that makes them feel inferior to white children, the Court held that the feelings of inferiority, which were enforced by the laws of our country, effected the driving force behind the students that urged them to learn and therefore to receive an equal education.On May 17, 1954, the Court ruled that the â€Å"separate but equalâ €  doctrine was irrelevant when it came to education, thus holding that the segregation of students based on race did in fact violate the rights set forth by the fourteenth amendment (Brown v. Board 495). Then a few weeks later, on May 31, the last day of the term, the judges elaborated on their decision, ordering that the desegregation of schools take place with â€Å"all deliberate speed† (The National Archives). As news of the Court’s decision spread across America, as expected, people of the white race were extremely unhappy.Rather than doing as the Justices had ordered, most states simply refused to comply with their judgment. The years following proved to be a battle for the African American race. Brown v. Board of Education seemed to affect the race as whole rather than only the students who longed to attend equal schools. In Virginia, the Governor shut down all public schools in an attempt to avoid their desegregation. Instead of simply allowing the black ch ildren access, the state issued vouchers to white families so they could send their children to private schools, leaving the black children without any education at all.In Arkansas, the National Guard had to accompany several black students, whom we now recognize as The Little Rock Nine, on their walk into a newly desegregated school as white students verbally and physically abused them. To prolong the desegregation, states attempted to enforce a â€Å"freedom of choice theory†. By which black students had the option of attending any school they wanted in the district. Nevertheless, when parents sent their minority children to white schools, they were tortured by angry whites, who threatened them and even burnt crosses in their yards.The National Education Association estimates that in the decade following the landmark Supreme Court decision, nearly 38,000 black educators lost their jobs (The National Education Association). With the ruling of Brown v. Board of Education, it seemed the minority had won the battle; unfortunately the war was far from over. What ensued following Brown v. Board of Education was one of the most imperative eras in the history of our country, what we now call the civil rights movement. The judges who ruled in the case could not have predicted the relevancy of their verdict, nor the outcome that would eventually come to pass.Brown v. Board of Education has proven to be a case that greatly impacted the lives of millions of African Americans and the freedoms that all people, despite their race, now experience every day. Works Cited The Brown Foundation, â€Å"Brown v. Board of Education: About the Case. † The Brown Foundation. 11 Apr 2004. The Brown Foundation. 29 Apr 2008 . The National Archives, â€Å"Timeline of Events Leading to the Brown v. Board of Education Decision, 1954. † The National Archives. 2008. The Federal Government. 30 Apr 2008 . The National Education Association, â€Å"50th Anniversary, Brown v. Board of Education. † Public Schools for Every Child. 2008. The National Education Association. 30 Apr 2008 . Patterson, James. Brown v. Board of Education: A Civil Rights Milestone and its Troubled Legacy. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. The United States Supreme Court, â€Å"Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. â€Å" United States Reports 483 (1954) 486-496. 29 Apr 2008 .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Isolation in Society Essay

Most people take society for granted, having lived within it their whole lives. They follow rules and social norms almost without thinking or realizing how much these rules affect their lives. It is only when these rules and norms are removed that people realize the significant impact of society on who they are. People assume social roles and when these roles are removed, whether by choice or by accident, they are forced to survive without the benefits or protections of society. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and William Golding are two authors that attempted to show the negative effects of isolation from society. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Gilman Jane is isolated from society and slowly descends into her own world of delusion and insanity; in the Lord of the Flies by Golding, the isolated boys forgo the rules of civilization and revert to a state of savagery and paranoia. In each story, as in real life, isolation from society causes suffering. A large part of staying within society and not being isolated from it is to fulfill an expected social role, whether as a mother, father, doctor, or nurse. Expectations from society are placed on each of these roles, as well as a pressure to conform. Whether people choose to accept them or not, social roles are assigned to everyone who participates in society. According to Gerrig, â€Å"A social role is a socially defined pattern of behavior that is expected of a person when functioning in a given setting or group† (Gerrig and Zimbardo 574). In both â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and Lord of the Flies, pressures of fulfilling social role leads to physical and mental isolation and alienation from society and creates suffering. In the article â€Å"The Outsider,† a genius boy named William James Sidis is described as someone whose intelligence made him isolated from society: â€Å"At eighteen months he could read The New York Times, at two he taught himself Latin, at three he learned Greek. By the time he was an adult he could speak more than forty languages and dialects. He gained entrance to Harvard at eleven, and gave a lecture on four-dimensional bodies to the Harvard Mathematical Club his first year† (Towers 6). His IQ was reported between 250 to 300 points, and his intelligence isolated him from his peers and social norms. This hyper-intelligence distanced him from almost everyone else in the world, creating an isolated, lonely youth who suffered in his alienation. Since he was born, he was constantly fueled by the expectations of others pushing him to excel. It led to his drive to succeed beyond most others in the academic fields, but did not allow for him to ever experience â€Å"normal† life, in social terms. Conforming to the ideas of others that wanted his brain used for noble pursuits, he missed out on simple social interactions or other joys of being human, eventually becoming a forty-six-year-old virgin who was unable to find sexual identity because he never incorporated it into his life. Sidis claims that despite all his intelligence and accomplishments, he is a failure, because he never got to be anything but an outsider. His isolation from normal society not only limited the options in his life, but also added unnecessary suffering. This real life isolation and the suffering it causes is seen in the characters of Gilman’s and Golding’s stories. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and Lord of the Flies, people became isolated from society and suffered because of it. Jane is an intelligent and independent woman, and this makes her an outsider in nineteenth century society, who expect women to be happy mothers and wives. Though all of the stranded boys are isolated from society on the island, Ralph becomes an outsider from their community, after his intelligence and sense clash with the savage behavior the other boys adopt. In Jane’s case, she was an outsider for her rejection of â€Å"normal† society, while Ralph was an outsider because of his acceptance of it. Real life is no different than fiction, and people who think above the typical mentality and social norms often become isolated from society, thus becoming outsiders. For Jane in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† it is the refusal to accept these social roles that makes her an outsider in her own world, combined with the dismissive attitude that she receives from others. In the story, Jane makes the claim that she cannot participate in social activities such as working and visiting family because of her mental illness. This is largely because of her dominant doctor husband who keeps telling her that she is and treating her as if she were helpless. Her husband acts just as any husband of the time, treating her as a helpless woman instead of the intelligent and creative woman she is. He also is the one who will not allow her to write, so she begins her journal until she can work again: â€Å"So I take phosphates or phosphates-whichever it is- and tonics, and air and exercise, and journeys, and am absolutely forbidden to â€Å"work† until I am well again† (Golding 88). What her husband dismisses is Jane’s deep depression, which is made worse by her isolation and sense of helplessness. â€Å"You see, he does not believe I am sick! † (88). He robbed her of writing and being productive in the way she wishes, and offers her little alternatives. At the time, women were expected to keep house and raise the children, while Jane preferred writing and independence. She eventually comes to see domestic life as a prison, directly opposing the societal view of domestic life as the height of existence. Even before her descent into insanity, she is an outsider compared to the nanny and John’s sister who are happy filling their social roles as submissive housewives. Jane is left in her isolated world alone in the house, with her husband gone much of the time on emergencies and serious situations. In her isolation, Jane grows increasingly detached not only from her husband and family, but from reality. By making her an outsider, Jane is unable to get over her depression and the isolation from society only makes her mindset worse. Isolation from society can negatively affect the behavior of people, much like it does to Jane. Many people with mental illness are kept out of â€Å"normal† society, instead locked away like Jane is. This behavior robs people of the ability to interact with each other, almost negating the concept of what a society is supposed to be. This brings up the question of whether societies should be inclusive or if it is okay to create outsiders and exclude them. Nineteenth century society simply did not want to accept a strong independent woman. In Lord of the Flies, the entire definition of society is called into question. In Lord of the Flies, isolation from society is the theme of the work. The boys are isolated on a desert island and are forced to create their own rules, and soon Ralph finds himself isolated from this new society. Ralph initially uses his intelligence and morals to maintain order and establish a democratic society with the conch shell. He is a wise choice as leader and the signal fire displays the hope they have to return to civilization, but fear and paranoia begin to take over. The isolation from society leads Jack and his followers to abandon the rules, and this makes Ralph and his followers outsiders to them. The instance where the boys killed the sow shows how far removed from society they are and by chopping off of its head and offering it to the beast seems to suggest that isolation from society leads to the breakdown of civilized behavior. In their blood lust, the boys chant, â€Å"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood† (Golden 168). The boys take pleasure in the destructive power of killing, where they were only recently innocent schoolboys. They savagely murder Simon thinking he is the beast and they, â€Å"Leapt on to the beast, screamed, struck, bit and tore† (000000), like animals and not humans. After the boys kill Simon, the only boy that does not believe in the beast, they in fact become the beast themselves by murdering the person who knows the truth. However barbaric, Jack’s society appeals to most of the boys and even Ralph and Piggy think it is a demented but mostly safe society. For Ralph and his followers, isolation from society did not cause him to revert to a savage state, though tempted by it. Perhaps the author is trying to suggest that all humans possess violent instincts and will revert to them when given the chance, but the truly strong individuals will manage to retain their sense of morality and independence. When the boys are rescued, Ralph realizes that the isolation from society forced all the boys to lose their innocence, though he managed to retain his sense of civilization. Both Jane in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† and Ralph in Lord of the Flies are outsiders in their own worlds, isolated physically and by their own beliefs and thoughts. This isolation led to suffering for each. In both stories, frustration and paranoia provokes dark thoughts in the minds of the characters, as the boys on the island become savages, Ralph is forced to hide for his life, and Jane becomes insane. Both authors seem to suggest that isolation from society and its rules leads to only suffering and the breakdown of morality. The good become evil, and the intelligent and independent thinkers lose their minds and sometimes lives. Ralph offers hope that this fate is not always true, but he is also forever changed by his experience. Jane’s position offers little hope, as she continues to deteriorate mentally throughout the story. But, the stories each offer questions about social roles and how they affect the mind, and whether isolation can allow a person to better understand the outside world or forget how to interact in it. The only thing that is certain is that few can escape from the reality of society. Works cited: Gerrig, Richard J. and Zimbardo, Philip G. â€Å"Social Norms. † Psychology and Life. 17th ed. 2005. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. † The Project Gutenberg. November 1999. 31 January 2007. . Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Berkeley Publishing Group, 1954. Towers, Grady M. â€Å"The Outsiders. † The Prometheus Society. 22 April 1987. 31 January 2007. .

Friday, September 13, 2019

A Woman of No Importance, Final Act

Wilde uses many dramatic effects throughout the play to shock and amuse the audience and many of them can be seen in this final scene. The fact that this conversation between Mrs Arbuthnot and Lord Illingworth takes place in Mrs Arbuthnot’s house, her personal space and territory puts her at an advantage and it shows that Lord Illingworth is surrendering his usual control over his situations By Lord Illingworth referring to Mrs Arbuthnot as ‘Rachel’ we are again made aware that we are listening to two people who have a strong past relationship. She calls him ‘George Harford’ while he uses her name far less often that in the persuasive Act 2. During this scene, Lord Illingworth speaks with awareness of the legal situation, he knows he can never make Gerald legitimate but he is willing to leave him property â€Å"What more can a gentleman desire in this world? † and Mrs Arbuthnot’s response of â€Å"Nothing more, I am quite sure† turns this in to a class confrontation. When Mrs Arbuthnot says â€Å"I told you I was not interested, and I beg you to go. † this is a threat to conventional society and the audience would have been shocked by this. She treats Lord Illingworth as he once treated her, in purely financial terms and she tells him that Gerald no longer needs his money, â€Å"You come too late. My son has no need of you. You are not necessary. † She then goes on to explain to him that Gerald and Hester are in love and they don’t need his money because Hester already has money of her own. Lord Illingworth asks where they will go and Mrs Arbuthnot’s reply â€Å"We will not tell you, and if you find us we will not know you. You seem surprised. What welcome would you get from the girl whose lips you tried to soil, from the boy whose life you have shamed, from the mother who dishonor comes from you? † is very melodramatic and it also relives the fact that Lord Illingworth tried to kiss Hester and this is when Gerald found out that he was his father, â€Å"Lord Illingworth you have insulted the purest thing on Gods earth†. This leaves Lord Illingworth to admit that he wants Gerald, â€Å"Rachel, I want my son. † Wilde uses many props in this scene, the main one being the letter Gerald has written to Lord Illingworth imploring him to marry his mother. The audience know what is written in the letter before Lord Illingworth does and this adds drama and tension because the audience are waiting for the big reveal and to see what happens. This letter also links back to the letter that Lord Illingworth sees in Act 2 and says â€Å"What a curious handwriting! It reminds me of the handwriting of a woman I used to know years ago. † and his dismissal of it so simply. The stage direction of ‘Mrs Arbuthnot watches him all the time’ is very important because she wants to see his reaction. Ironically his proposal of marriage after reading Gerald’s letter uses similar language to Mrs Arbuthnot’s when explaining to Gerald why she would refuse him, for her marriage would be a ‘sacrifice’ and for Lord Illingworth it would be a ‘surrender’. For Mrs Arbuthnot to say this at this point in the play would have been very uncommon for the time because the audience would be expecting a happy ending, for the fallen women to marry the father of her child or for it to end like a melodrama, in tragedy. For the first time, Mrs Arbuthnot is triumphant against Lord Illingworth with the repetition of his own words when she says, â€Å"Children begin by loving their parents. After a time they judge them. Rarely if ever do they forgive them. † Lord Illingworth is clearly surprised at this response and then resorts to cruelty. His parting speech creates an exciting climax as the censorship of the time wouldn’t allow anyone to say the word ‘bastard’ on the stage. Wilde’s stage direction of Mrs Arbuthnot’s use of the glove â€Å"Mrs Arbuthnot snatches up glove and strikes Lord Illingworth across the face with it† is a very good use of a prop because in the time this play was written a glove was a very masculine item and being hit with one was a sign of violence and confrontation. The audience is allowed a shock, due to the word about to be spoken and then they get a relief as the taboo is maintained by Mrs Arbuthnot cutting Lord Illingworth off before he can finish his sentence because she will not let him say the word because she doesn’t want to hear him say this about her beloved son. The villain is punished and Mrs Arbuthnot’s respectability is ma intained. All of this is typical of a melodrama and we the audience now feel something has been accomplished. Wilde’s use of stage directions are very well placed and are very dramatic, especially the last few lines of this scene when Mrs Arbuthnot ‘falls sobbing on the sofa’ and it reinforces that this play is a melodrama because people are not usually this dramatic in normal everyday life. Gerald and Hester now return to Mrs Arbuthnot and we have the image of ‘a man and a woman in a garden’ which has been mentioned previously throughout the play and is a sign of sex and fertility and in this scene it shows the audience the image of a new family emerging. Due to Hester having changed her views from believing that women who have children outside of the laws of marriage should be punished, â€Å"A woman who has sinned should be punished, shouldn’t she? † And that the children should also carry this shame, â€Å"Yes, it is right that the sins of the parents should be visited on the children. It is a just law. It is God’s law. † to her now saying â€Å"I was wrong. Gods law is only love. † Because she is in love with Gerald and has managed to listen and understand all of the things that Mrs Arbuthnot has had to face to bring up Gerald alone. At the end of the play when Gerald sees the glove lying on the floor Mrs Arbuthnot picks up and changes the title line of the play and once again mirrors Lord Illingworth’s statement about seeing the letter from Mrs Arbuthnot, â€Å"Oh! o one. No one in particular. A Man of no importance. † Unmarried and defiant she enters into a fresh and better world although the 19th century attitudes to marriage are still upheld in a way because even though she has won against Lord Illingworth and she has managed to keep Gerald and now has the love and respect of Hester the audience are still left with the image of them being exiled to America, where they have less strict views on illegitimacy and have more freedo m.

How do consumers engage with fashion, as a routine aspect of everyday Research Paper

How do consumers engage with fashion, as a routine aspect of everyday life - Research Paper Example oduction and display of new and emerging fashion styles, innovative and engaging consumers and their selections, and the urge to express the spirit of the times (Pink, 2001). Core in defining fashion is the interaction of fashion products, their distribution and the manner in which they are consumed. Several theories have been postulated to explain fashion, its momentum and influences on everyday life. Most of these theories envisage the expanse and distribution of fashion as a movement or trickle from one level or aspect of life in society to another (Felski, 2000). This trickle is viewed as being diffused from the center to the edge in either a hierarchical or horizontal manner. These perceptions of fashion trickle led to the three theories of fashion; the trickle-down, trickle-across, or trickle-up theories. In the trickle down theory, fashion movement is based on a hierarchical society, which supports the upward movement of fashion among social strata (Felski, 2000). According to this theory, people at the top of the societal strata are offered and accept a fashion styles and brands first. The style is then gradually accepted by those in lower strata. In other terms, this theory envisages a situation in which lower strata people seek to copy the affluence of upper strata people in society. Such consumers seek recognition and try to distance themselves from the lower cadre groups, where they actually belong. Those supporting the trickle-across theory feel that fashion runs horizontally among groups on the same social level. There is this little, if any lag time between the time of adoption by one group and another. In this theory, designers have prices for all the social levels. The reasons for which this theory is preferred include promotional or advertising benefits to designers, manufacturers and retailers, rapid mass communications benefits and exposure of design to all fashion levels and sectors (Pink, 2001). In the trickle up theory, the newest of the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Discussion - Essay Example Ethics on the other hand forms the framework that acts as moral guidelines. Ethics is much more subjective and although it also establishes sets of normative codes of conduct, these codes are heterogeneous due to their subjective origins. If however, we assume Ethics to set the standards of social conduct and moral judgment then ideally, laws should enforce these (Blackburn, 2003). The importance of Ethics in spite of many laws arises precisely from the fact that finer ethical considerations and morality are often beyond the defined conducts that the limited scope of Laws are able to enforce. The necessity of ethical consideration irrespective of the legal framework of any nation can be best understood by considering historical instances where Laws were in conflict or at least not in support of what is now understood to be ethical. Until the 13th amendment of 1865 revised the Law, slavery was entirely a legal practice in the U.S.A. Prior to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938; child labor was a legal practice as well. African American people had very little civil rights and when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger on Dec. 1, 1955 she violated the law (Townsend, 1998). It is in the present day almost surprising to note that women were accorded voting rights only in 1920. Such instances of something considered legal in the past later being rectified, reflect that Laws may not always be aligned with what is ethically right and the adjustment can be a time consuming process. Instances of legal binds being constraining from the perspective of ethical actions and decision making is certainly not a matter of only the past. In present days also, issues like Abortion and Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide leads to a debate due to the inherent conflict between the associated laws and ethical

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

State about your story Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

State about your story - Assignment Example Unlike many other subjects, mathematics is among the subjects that find application in almost all areas of life. As a student interested in a career involving mathematics, I find it necessary to pursue mathematics major in country where mathematics is a flourishing field of research. The skills and knowledge one acquires by studying mathematics apply to all aspects of life, and are not just limited to the career chosen. I believe that by studying mathematics, I have the chance to grow into a competent individual who can contribute positively to the society. In addition, studying in the United States gives me an opportunity to interact with students from different backgrounds. This is important for my development not only as a mathematician but also as a social being. Given that I have an ambition to work in the insurance field, I believe that taking mathematics major will prepare me adequately to work in this sector. One of the skills acquired through the study of mathematics is data acquisition and analysis. This is an example of the skills that can be applied in the field of insurance and finance. By solving mathematics problems, I will develop analytical skills that help grow my mind and thinking processes. Mathematics will enhance my ability to pay attention to detail, and this will be important for my future career in the insurance field. As an analyst, the knowledge acquired through the study of mathematics will be critical. Analysts are required to analyze large volumes of data, and make conclusions and decisions based on this data. By studying mathematics, I will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become an analyst in future. Mathematics is a subject that mainly involves numbers and figures, and understanding how they are applied. For example, as an analyst, I need skills such as linear regression in order to effectively analyze financial data. Mathematics major provides the necessary foundation for acquiring such skills and also

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The history of the coastguard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12250 words

The history of the coastguard - Essay Example While there are hardly any who are not aware of the presence, aims and objectives of all of the army, the navy and the air force, only a handful of people have a similar awareness of the coastguard. Although some countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Japan, define the coast guard as a division of the national military, its importance is generally underestimated (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). The popular understanding of the coast guard is that it acts as a vessel and life rescue service and, in some instances, to monitor fishing across the national coastlines and waters. This understanding barely touches upon the duties, responsibilities, aims, and objectives of both civilian and military coast guard services, nor does it even hint at the fact that the coast guard, in the first and last, is primarily responsible for coastal and port security. In other words, the responsibilities and functions of the coast guard directly tie in with national security (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). This research paper, which shall highlight the multiple functions of the coast guard services and illustrate, through an historical overview, the increasing importance of this institution, shall, hopefully, illustrate that insofar as coastal countries are concerned, the coast guard plays an invaluable and vital role; a role which directly contributes to increased national security. This project focused on the development of Kuwait coastguard and identifies requirements in the near future to improve Kuwait Coastguard. This project was carried out at the University of Plymouth in United Kingdom by using the tutor assistances, Kuwait coastguard assistances and the simulator in the University of Plymouth. 1 Introduction While there are hardly any who are not aware of the presence, aims and objectives of all of the army, the navy and the air force, only a handful of people have a similar awareness of the coastguard. Although some countries, such as the United States, Canada and Japan, define the coast guard as a division of the national military, its importance is generally underestimated (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). Popular understanding of the coast guard is that it acts as a vessel and life rescue service and, in some instances, to monitor fishing across the national coastlines and waters. This understanding barely touches upon the duties, responsibilities, aims and objectives of both civilian and military coast guard services, nor does it even hint at the fact that the coast guard, in the first and last, is primarily responsible for coastal and port security. In other words, the responsibilities and functions of the coast guard directly tie in with national security (LaGuardia-Kotite and R idge, 2006). This research paper, which shall highlight the multiple functions of the coast guard services and illustrate, through an historical overview, the increasing importance of this institution, shall, hopefully, illustrate that insofar as coastal countries are concerned, the coast guard plays an invaluable and vital role; a role which directly contributes to increased national security. This project focused on development of Kuwait coastguard and identifies requirements in the near future to improve Kuwait Coastguard. There are things need to be improved in Kuwait coastguard such as increasing number of patrol boats, where should these patrol boats operating and things require in the near future

Monday, September 9, 2019

Strategic analysis of Whole Food market Coursework

Strategic analysis of Whole Food market - Coursework Example The stores are located in 38,000 square foot in size which conform to the locality and community that they serve and which have observed 5% year on year growth. The company’s stock was boosted by nearly 38% which has seen 17% growth in EBITDA to $835 million and 20 year compounded annual growth rate of nearly 26% (ar, 2011). 1.1 Vision and mission Company’s vision is to become a global brand for best quality natural and organic food and best food retailer of organic food in every community that it serves. The mission statements of the company are designed to meet the food requirements of the people by providing them with healthy and nutritious food so that they can lead a healthier life and live longer. The core values of the company focus on sustainable business practice and ensure complete customer satisfaction through quality food that is organically produced. They also empower people with knowledge and information that promote their general well-being. The core valu es are aligned to their strategic vision and mission that fundamentally cater to the interests of all its stakeholders including workforce, customers and supply chain. 1.2 Current strategy The current strategy is designed to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyle through food that is organically produced. It ensures customer satisfaction by facilitating high quality of naturally and organically produced wide variety of food products. The Whole Food stores are strategically designed to meet the needs of its customers. They have cafeteria facility which ensured that customers could also taste and test the quality food that they would be buying. The brochures and information about food products and sustainable business practice empower customers with information which they use in their buying experience. 1.2.1 Goals and objectives The organizational culture greatly helps to achieve its broader goals and objectives of meeting the changing demands of its various stakeholders includi ng customer satisfaction. The company promotes more than 2600 SKU with its 365 Everyday Value, primary in-house brand (ar, 2011). The company’s goals are focused opening around 24 to 27 new stores and improving its sales growth to around 15%. Its major objective is to promote sustainable business practices. To achieve it, WEM emphasizes diversity in workplace and creates barrier free and encouraging environment to meet the needs of diverse community. The team leaders within the stores are empowered to make independent decisions that ensures improved performance outcome. The broader goals and objectives of WFM are achieved through measures like employees’ welfare schemes, environmental concerns, health and well-being and charitable works in the area of education, training and development of entrepreneurial skills etc. Its suppliers of food products from low waged countries were supported financially to ensure quality produce which also helped them to raise their living standard. It has introduced innovative processes to promote sustainable business practices within its in-house staff and business partners (ar, 2011). It has encouraged greater interaction with various focus groups and fostered alliances for proactive participation of the public and workforce in its drive for environmental conservations and community welfare. 1.2.2 Major strength The double digit growth rate, exemplary customer service and broad range of quality product lines are its major strengths. With approximately $11.7 billion revenue in 2011, the strong cash flow and stock position greatly favor the company in achieving its goals and objectives (yahoo, 2013). The growth plans of companies are primarily through opening

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Wwek2 dicussions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Wwek2 dicussions - Case Study Example Secondly, an individual may also fill the tax advice document claim form to inquire on how to handle non-disclosure matters. It mainly helps the taxpayer to provide information that he ought to have filed with the tax return but was discovered late. In addition, individuals may also fill the tax contextual information disclosure form. The option implies to the IRS that the taxpayer is sincere and may not recommend any audit process to unveil any undisclosed income information. Thirdly, a client may also make a voluntary disclosure in the case of offshore accounts since it makes them become compliant and avoid criminal prosecution. Such an option shows the taxpayer is willing to cooperate, and, therefore, the IRS may waive the penalty and may not indulge auditing team to probe the client. Finally, the client may decide to take the risk and wait to be summoned by the IRS for non-disclosure. However, this option may land the client in trouble. As a practitioner, I recommend that the client becomes sincere and retrieves the missing information from his partner. After that, he should voluntarily disclose to the IRS all the income information that were not disclosed. One should file the amended return information or contact IRS immediately to avoid penalties or any criminal prosecution that may arise. Acting sincerely without any push helps the client avoid IRS audits. Desai, R., & Roberts, R. (2012). Deficiencies in the Code of Conduct: The AICPA Rhetoric Surrounding the Tax Return Preparation Outsourcing Disclosure Rules.  Journal of Business Ethics,  114(3), 457-471.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Financial analysis and management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Financial analysis and management - Assignment Example It has been observed that profitability ratios have been fluctuating for the airlines in recent years with major setback in the fiscal year 2011-12. However, both the airlines have experienced increase in their liquidity ratios in the fiscal year 2012-13 with Emirates showing higher rate of increase indicating that the companies are in a good financial position to pay off their short term and long term loans and obligations. From investment ratios it has been observed that British Airlines is in a better equity position than the Emirates. This means British Airlines is more efficient in utilizing shareholders’ equity for garnering profit making it more lucrative company for prospective shareholders. Aviation industry is concerned with manufacturing and flying of commercial aircrafts. This industry provides the most rapid transportation network connecting every country in this world. The contribution of aviation industry on international business and tourism is immense. Aviation industry provides employment opportunities on the line of many activities including aircraft maintenance and ground-based infrastructure. The industry plays a very prominent role in a country’s economic structure. As economic development has increased air transport demand across the world, the industry itself is considered as a catalyst of economic growth. Providing a network of transport between all countries, the aviation industry allows easy access to the global market thus enhancing productivity leading to growth of economy. Increased air travel between two countries can have a great positive impact on the GDP of both countries. For instance, growth in air service between Poland and UK since 2 003 has paved the way for long term GDP growth in Poland by US$634 million every year while UK has been benefited with annual GDP growth by US$45 million. Also, since increased connectivity

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Example for Free

The Sherlock Holmes stories Essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a famous author notably known for his series of Sherlock Holmes detective narratives. He wrote four novels and 56 short stories featuring Holmes and the stories were much loved by the public in the era of which they were written. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland on the 22nd of May 1859. He went to a boarding school at the age of nine and so no longer lived at home. After graduating he left to study medicine in Edinburgh. Doyle ended up working with a doctor called Joseph Bell. Some say he was Doyles biggest influence as he seemed to share many characteristics with Doyles most famous fictional character, Sherlock Holmes. Bell was said to be observational, logical and able to diagnose a patient without them even speaking. These characteristics are later evident in Sherlock Holmes; thus creating the basis of his character. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the writer of arguably the most famous fictional detective ever, Sherlock Holmes. He wrote his Sherlock Holmes stories in the Victorian era. The Victorian audience was fear-stricken and lived in constant terror of crime. Holmes surfaced at a time when crime was commonplace and the corrupted Police forces were incapable of protecting the public. An infamous example was Jack the Ripper renowned for mercilessly murdering prostitutes throughout London. To taunt the authorities, anonymous packages were sent containing mutilated body parts of his victims. The Victorian setting is portrayed in the story The Cooper Beeches as letters, telegrams and notes are used to develop the plot. Sherlock Holmes provided solace to the public as he captured the hearts with his talent of solving what were deemed to be the most unsolvable of cases. Sherlock Holmes not only became a hugely popular character in his stories, but he became an inspiration to many Victorians who were forever fearful for their lives. Doyle actually killed off Sherlock Holmes to end his antics not once but twice, however both times he did this, he received so many death threats that he was forced to continue writing more adventures for Sherlock Holmes. You can see why Sherlock Holmes was such a success in his day and not just because of the creativity of the stories he was in, but he also acted as a hope to the people of the era. However the question still remains as to why Sir Arthur Conan Doyles stories are still popular as ever nowadays? Sir Arthur Conan Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories are still read world-wide because of many factors. Each story is original. Conan Doyle manages to persuade the readers mind into being captivated by all the clues and red herrings and lays down a mystery that makes the reader want to solve it before Sherlock Holmes does. This all adds up to a very exciting and unforgettable series of books.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Discovering The Gender Pay Gap

Discovering The Gender Pay Gap The problem of gender differences in salary raises a lot of concerns as to its factors, processes and measurement among social scientists and policy makers all over the world. Gender-based inequality is a phenomenon that affects the majority of the worlds cultures, religions, nations and income groups [5]. When scientists speak of the gender gap these days, they are usually referring to systematic differences in the outcomes that men and women achieve in the labor market. These differences are seen in the percentages of men and women in the labor force, the types of occupations they choose, and their relative incomes or hourly wages [4]. There have been significant increases in the labor supply of women in the last decades both in developed and developing countries. For instance, in the United States female participation in the paid labor force changed drastically in the course of the 20th century: in 1880 only 17% of all American women at working ages participated in the labor market, by 2000 this number had risen to more than 60% [3]. Nevertheless, the Global Gender Gap Index 2007 showing that no country in the world has yet reached equality between women and men the highest ranking country has closed a little over 80% of its gender gap while the lowest ranking country has closed only a little over 45% of its gender gap. Factors that describe the gender pay gap Among various factors that describe the gender pay gap the most important ones are historical, cultural and economic. Describing historical factors of the gender pay gap, we have to mention that after industrialization women became secondary workers in the labor market; they entered the labor market in smaller numbers and for shorter periods than did men. Moreover, occupations and industries were highly segregated by sex, partly because employers developed explicit policies to segregate the workplace and bar married women from employment [4]. Hence the wage structure changes over time but the historical evolution of well-defined systems of jobs and firms has created relatively stable segmentation by occupation. As for cultural factors, they are closely connected to the historical events. The development of modern family patterns during the past decades has been accompanied by substantial changes in social norms, values and gender relations all over the world. In most of modern societies women with higher returns to human capital and fewer children, increase their investments in education and their attachment to the market. The economic factors are also very important. Because women are very likely to interrupt their career for children bearing period, and employers avoiding workers with high quit rates (for economic reasons), therefore, women comparing to men are less likely to receive stable well-paid jobs. Micro-level processes that cause the gender pay gap As wage differences among workers can be explained by processes that match individuals to jobs, we should research how individual women and men are sorted into different positions and thereby obtain different levels of reward. Margaret Mooney Marini and Pi-Ling Fan have conducted a research The gender gap in earnings at career entry in which the micro-level mechanisms of the gender wage gap were investigated. Those are gender differences in job-related skills and credentials, adult family roles, work and family aspirations, the availability and use of information and influence via social networks; gender discrimination in hiring and job placement by employers. The results of the research showed that explanatory mechanisms focusing on the characteristics of workers explained only 30 % of the gender difference in wages. But the gender differences in aspirations and in job-related skills and credentials were the most important in accounting for the gender pay gap. The allocation of women and men to different jobs by employers, and informal processes of social contact and social interaction via networks play an important role in wage determination at career entry. Moreover, gender differences in family structure had no significant direct effect when the effect of worker qualifications and aspirations were considered [6]. How to measure the gender gap One of the instruments to measure the gender gap is the Global Gender Gap Index introduced by the World Economic Forum. This index is a framework for capturing the magnitude of gender disparities. It aims to be a tool for benchÂÂ ­marking and tracking global gender-based inequalities on economic, political, education- and health-based criteria [5]. The structure of this index is in the Appendix. In this paper we are interested only in the economic participation and opportunity analyzed by the Index. This area is captured through three concepts: the participaÂÂ ­tion gap, the remuneration gap and the advancement gap. The participation gap is captured through the difference in labor force participation rates. The remuneration gap is captured through a hard data indicator (ratio of estimated female-to-male earned income) and a qualitative variable calculated through the World Economic Forums ExecuÂÂ ­tive Opinion Survey (wage equality wages for similar work). Finally, the gap between the advancement of women and men is captured through two hard data statistics (the ratio of women to men among legislators, senior officials and managers, and the ratio of women to men among technical and professional workers). Conclusion The gender gap is a difference in outcomes that men and women achieve in the labor market. Because labor market rewards derive from labor market positions, it is important to understand why women receive less rewarding positions and what the mechanism of the gender pay gap is. There are historical, cultural and economic factors that influence gender pay gap. Historically occupations are segregated by sex, but women return to human capital more often than in the past and decrease their quit rates during childbearing period. Among micro-level processes that cause gender pay gap, the most important are gender differences in aspirations, job-related skills and definite social networks inclusion. In order to measure gender gap scientists use the Global Gender Gap Index which examines the gap between men and women in four fundamental categories: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, political empowerment, health and survival. Appendix. Structure of the Global Gender Gap Index