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Vinca plants Free Essays

The experiment is to take 4 Vinci plants, which are about the same size, health, and flowering stages and find out which one will grow the best. Each of the plants will have 75 ml of a liquid dally for 10 days. My Grandma bought them from Loses on September 20, 2011 for me. We will write a custom essay sample on Vinca plants or any similar topic only for you Order Now Breakdown of the plants are as follows: Control plant will get tap water. Plant A will get Milk from the refrigerator. Plant B will get Lou Ana Pure Vegetable 011. Plant C will get sweet tea. We made up a pitcher Just for the experiment, so that It s the same every day. Experiment: Every day for 10 days put in 75 ml of liquid of a specific liquid into each plant and see which one will grow the best. Hypothesis: I think the one with milk is going to grow best of the three, not including the control. Milk is good for the body and I think it could also be good for plants. Day Before The Experiment Began: Mom got the plants for me from Loses the day before so they were fresh. Also will need 4 Styrofoam plates, 4 equal size containers for the liquids, masking tape, permanent markers, camera, and ruler. 1 . Take the plants to area they are going to e entire time. For me it was the covered lanai in the back of our house. 2. Put Styrofoam plates and place one under each plant – prevents cross contamination and keeps the table clean. 3. Get roll of masking tape and a permanent marker. 4. Cut tape into 4 equal strips. 5. Mark each strip with name and put on plant. 6. Collect the four containers for the liquids. 7. Put in 1st container water from the tap and put lid on it. In 2nd container, poured in 4 cups of milk, in 3rd container made up sweet tea and poured in 4 cups, and in final container poured in 4 cups of vegetable oil. Water and oil containers remained on the counter, and the milk and tea containers were in the refrigerator. Day Of The Experiment: I decided to measure and water my plants before school in the morning and early on the weekends. 1. Day one, I then took pictures of each plant. 2. Then I measured each plant and wrote down the sizes in my Journal. 3. With a measuring cup, I measure out ml (1/C) of each liquid and pour it into the proper plant. I rinse out the glass cup in between each type of liquid. 4. I Jot down observations on the plants each day in a Journal. 5. I also look at the newspaper to e accurate on the temperatures for the day before and note it in the Journal, along with any weather (like rain, clouds, etc). 6. Repeat steps 1 thru 3 for the next 10 days. September 21, 2011 Day 1 of the Experiment: Observations: All four plants are new, very healthy and have many flowers in different stages of opening. Plants are in original container with Styrofoam plates under them so there is no cross contamination. Plants are in the covered porch area to keep from getting wet from any rain so they will not be contaminated by rain water. Get sun all afternoon. We took pictures and measurements of plants, as seen below. Control Plant – Water 9†³ tall Plant A- Milk Plant tall Plant C – Sweet Tea 8†³ tall 94/72 Very Sunny! All plants are the same height as yesterday. All still look very healthy. The water, sweet tea and milk plant were dry on the bottom today – oil was very wet. It had a good pool on plate. Flowers still look good on all. It was very sunny in the morning, warm and had a lot of rain in the afternoon. Control Plant – Water 9 h†Ã¢â‚¬  tall Plant C- Sweet Tea 8†³ tall 90/73 September 23, 2011 Day 3 of the Experiment: sweet tea, and milk plant were dry on the bottom today – oil was very wet. It had a good pool on plate. We had to dump out so it did not run all over the table. Flowers still look good on all – I am surprised. Had some sun before it rained. 91/72 September 24, 2011 Day 4 of the Experiment: plate NASTY!! It was full of stinky pond type scum. My mom made me change the plate because it stank and was worried about the small bugs flying around the plant. Oil and tea plants are okay. All plants are very moist. All plants still look okay. Pictures taken this morning to show new look. It was cloudy most of the day. Forecast calls for rain all weekend. 0 Control Plant – Water 10†³ tall Plant B -Oil 8 h† tall Plant C- Sweet Tea 9†³ tall 92172 September 25, 2011 Day 5 of the Experiment: They all look the same. Milk plant really stinks – small bugs flying around it. Cloudy most of the day. Plant A- Milk 9†³ tall Plant 8 w tall Plant C- Sweet Tea 8 h† tall 90/72 September 26, 2011 Day 6 of the Experiment: The milk plant stinks and there are bugs flying around it and the flowers are falling off. All others look okay. 0 Plant A -Milk 8 withal Plant B -Oil 8 w tall Plant C -Sweet Tea 8 h† tall 92/70 September 27, 2011 Day 7 of the Experiment: Milk plant really STINKS-there is a foam like scum that comes out after giving it a rink. The flowers are dying and falling off. Leaves not so big, plant looks worse today-leaves look less green than the others. The milk plant is SHRINKING!!!!!!!! Control Plant – Water 10 h† tall Plant A- Milk 7 h† tall Plant 8†³ tall Plants-sweetmeat 7†³ tall September 28, 2011 Day 8 of the Experiment: The control plant is doing The milk plant is The oil plant is kind slouchy. Sweet tea plant doing fine. Plant A- Milk 7†³ tall Plant B -Oil 7 h† tall September 29, 2011 Day 9 of the Experiment: The control plant is the only one doing good. All others are dying. Leaves all crinkled, plants leaning over. Milk plant still stinks. Gave it new plate hoping some of the bugs would go away. Cannot tell if others stink. Plant B -Oil 7 w tall 90/68 September 30, 2011 Day 10 of the Experiment: Milk plant is disgusting. It smells so bad that my grandma threw up when moving it this morning. Had to move plants away from the door – smell was too gross! New pictures of the plants were taken. All plants except control are dying. Leaves all crinkled all leaning over and the flowers are dying. Control plant looks great. Plant B -Oil 7†³ tall 90/67 All of the plants, except the control plant, are definitely dying. Apparently, you should never give plants anything but water. The dying plants have wilted leaves and the flowers are all crumpled up. The dying plants have all shrunk in size. The control plant is healthy green and tall. Plant A- Milk 6†³ tall Plant 6 h† tall Plant C -Sweet Tea 6 h† tall CONCLUSION OF MY EXPERIMENT: The only plant that did well was the one with plain water. My hypothesis was wrong. The milk plant did the worst by far! If I was to do this experiment again, I would never, and I mean never, pick milk as one of the liquids. I would like to try some more different liquids, like tap water with oracle grow (fertilizer) and made Cool-Aid, because it is basically water with sugar and food coloring. I would like to see if plant does well with Cool-Aid because it is almost all water and would like to know if the food coloring would change the color of the plant/flowers. I would like to run this experiment in the summer time when it is hotter and they would get more sunlight. Wonder if the failed plants would have died faster in hotter temperatures or if they would have fared better. My other thought on liquids was the try Coca-Cola as one of the liquids. How to cite Vinca plants, Papers

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