Friday, May 8, 2020

What Is Binge Drinking Essay - 1833 Words

AO1 What is binge drinking? Definition Binge drinking is, defined as people consuming a large amount of alcohol in a small amount of time and planning to get drunk (NHS, 2016). Binge drinking has now become a bigger problem in the world, binge drinking used to be described as heavy drinking over several days, but now it is known as a heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time. From the researchers evidence it is thought that binge drinking for men is to have eight or more drinks and for women, six or more in a short period of time. Recommended Units The recommended units of alcohol men and women should drink in a week is no more than 14 units. These 14 units needs to be spread out throughout the week, making sure that you have at least two to three alcohol-free days. Both men and women have now got the same recommended amount due to increase of cancer risk. It is though that men should not regularly drink more than three to four units of alcohol a day, if they do every single day, this means they are having between 21 units and 28 units a week, which is more than the recommended units a man should intake in a week by 7-14 units. For women it is recommended that they should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day. If they intake, this amount of units in a week this means that they will intake between 14-21 units a week. This means that they would be in taking more than the recommended amount by 7 units. It is recommended that if a person isShow MoreRelated binge drinking Essay993 Words   |  4 Pages What Causes Binge Drinking nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Binge Drinking is an intriguing phenomenon that many college students take part in all across the country. The issue of binge drinking has been a problem on college campuses for decades. Binge drinking has many horrible effects, but the problem starts with the causes for it. 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